Our Ministry Journey

We have had the privilege of preaching the gospel and leading crusades in Uganda and South Africa during three independent tours, made possible through the support of others and stepping out in faith—even using a credit card to make it happen.
Our mission as a husband-and-wife team is to help people see and live like Jesus. Whether through music, ministry, or discipleship, we are passionate about creating opportunities for transformation and growth.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to partner with us in spreading the word of God through music and ministry. We look forward to the possibility of working together to make a lasting impact.
We are also deeply committed to accountability and spiritual growth. Together, we have about ten spiritual parents, leaders, and mentors who actively speak into our lives and hold us accountable. If you’d like to speak with any of them about us, feel free to ask, and we’ll gladly connect you.
Additionally, we co-authored a book called Scripture Unlocked, the ultimate Bible study guide designed to help both women and men uncover the richness of God’s Word with confidence and clarity. Perfect for anyone seeking effective Bible study tools, this engaging resource equips readers to break down Scripture, understand its context, and apply its truths to daily life.